San Pedro, also known as Wachuma, has been recorded as an important element to the spiritual ceremonies of various indigenous cultures in South America for at least 3000 years.
In the context of these ceremonies, San Pedro is the heart opener, an opportunity for our soul to commune with our body. It can bring about healing of all forms, whether physical, trauma based, or emotional, and most importantly it can allow us to open to the possibilities of life.
San Pedro
San Pedro is a well known plant medicine and potent psychedelic. A San Pedro ceremony can be intense and powerful, and everyone will undergo a unique experience tailored to their needs. Healing and growth are accessible to every person in every ceremony.
San Pedro has few medical contraindications and can still be used while taking or weaning off of most antidepressants.
There are very few dietary requirements if you plan to do ceremony that we will explain to you in detail. We will offer safe, experienced guidance to allow for the most best possible experience.
Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns you might have.
Use of San Pedro in ceremonies
We recommend to do this work with someone you trust. There are many amazing curanderos and wachumeros to work with but it is important to be conscious and respectful of your work with any plant medicine.
Working with plant medicine and deep healing experiences are not to be taken lightly.
Our ceremonies are therefore held in a safe space and we always prefer to be in contact with our guests before they attend a ceremony and after to check-in with everyone in our post-ceremony sharing circle or in one-on-one conversations.
Sustaining San Pedro
To be good stewards of San Pedro we are consistently planting cuttings of any cactus we harvest to ensure accessibility for future generations.
With God and Wachuma, allowing alignment of our mind, heart, body, and spirit.
— Chase Moore